Bringing African Scholars, Voices & Experts   

into Irish Universities   

10+ Years, 18 Colleges, 500+ Lectures   

50,000 Students   

Promoting responsible business practices in and with

Africa & it’s people    

Our Education Partners

Our Mission

For far too long Africa’s story has been told by outsiders with a focus on charity while global trade systems have extracted Africa’s resources leaving little value and few jobs for the people of the continent.

Proudly Made in Africa is dedicated to bringing African scholars, voices and experts into Irish universities and business leadership circles to advocate responsible business practices with and in Africa and to change the narrative from aid to trade, from charity to innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.

For far too long Africa’s story has been told by outsiders with a focus on poverty and charity.

PMIA is a global citizenship education and trade justice organisation dedicated to promoting responsible business with and in Africa and bringing African voices and perspectives into Irish universities and business leadership circles to change the narrative from aid to trade, innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.

Climate Change, Business & Africa

As Africa’s population grows and prospers, consumption will rise and more will be demanded from the land threatening Africa’s forests, wild places and climate.

PMIA believes business, trade and agriculture in and with Africa can work for people and nature actively helping protect wildlife and rejuvenate the natural habitats of the continent.

Value Chains in Africa

Many of the value chains behind the everyday goods we consume, like tea, coffee and chocolate are broken. Their outdated business model profits a handful at the top by exploiting millions of farmers and workers below.

PMIA is committed to showcasing how business can be a force for good showcasing African disruptors and entrepreneurs implementing theories of shared value are redesigning these industries from the ground up.

Gender Equality in Africa

Experience in Africa has shown that when women prosper so too do their children, families and communities, but too often they lack the opportunities and privileges of men.

PMIA supports gender equality and human rights for all and advocates for improved access to business knowledge, finance and markets for female entrepreneurs across Africa.

Innovation & the Future of Africa

It may be a surprise that Africa leads the world in mobile payments.

What future solutions in technology, logistics, food systems and energy will come from the continent? will these achievements benefit a few or the many?