IDEA Code of Good Practice
Proudly Made in Africa is a supporter of IDEA’s code of good practice, a framework advancing quality for educators in global citizenship education.
Developed by IDEA members it is a quality framework that articulates how to strengthen good practice across all Development Education work.
Why the Need for a Code?
Development Education (DE) is an educational process which enables people to understand the world around them and to act to transform it. It works to tackle the root causes of injustice and inequality, globally and locally, to create a more just and sustainable future for everyone.
Quality Development Education is more important than ever, in Ireland and globally. As Development Education practitioners, we must be responsive to a turbulent and changing global environment. This requires us to continuously challenge our own thinking, re-examine our focus, and to critically evaluate whether what we are doing makes a difference. Reflecting on our own practice and challenging our approach are central to quality Development Education. In line with this, IDEA (the Irish Development Education Association) together with our members, has developed the ‘Code of Good Practice for Development Education’. This is part of our work in strengthening good practice in Development Education. This Code builds on work carried out over a number of years by IDEA working groups and partners in the production of Good Practice Guidelines for key areas of Development Education activity.
The Code is written by IDEA members, and represents a collective agreement to both strengthen and articulate quality Development Education across all of our work. IDEA’s membership is diverse and dynamic, practicing Development Education in a wide range of contexts, and through various approaches. The Code is an expression of what IDEA members have in common: a commitment to protecting the integrity of Development Education through our own good practice. Progress towards the Code’s Principles is tracked through Practice Indicators, designed collectively by IDEA members to fulfil this commitment.
Globally, as well as in Ireland, Development Education is critical to the realisation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A clear pathway is set out through SDG target 4.7: “By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.” Development Education has an essential role to play in shaping sustainable development. IDEA sees this Code of Good Practice as a key tool for the promotion of quality Development Education as a right for all learners in Ireland.
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